Individual reports being sexually assaulted at University Village
April 9, 2018
An individual reported on April 8, 2018 being sexually assaulted by an acquaintance on April 6, according to a timely warning sent by the ISU Police Department.
The warning emailed to the entire campus said the assault occurred at University Village, located north of campus.
The email also included resources and policies regarding sexual assault, such as Assault Care Center Extending Shelter and Support (ACCESS), the Dean of Students Office and the university’s Title IX coordinator, located in 3410 Beardshear Hall.
The email also included tips for bystander intervention and how to act in a concerning situation. The tips include:
- Direct- ask if the person needs assistance or call out the behavior before it escalates.
- Delegate- if you can’t do anything, ask a friend for help or ask someone who has more authority and ability to handle the situation (CA, police, faculty or staff, peer, bartender).
- Distract- if you do not wish to deal with the situation directly, find a way to distract, diffuse the situation or calm things down.
The email also included instructions on how to request Green Dot bystander training, which can be found at or by calling 515-294-1099.
The Clery Act requires universities and colleges that participate in federal aid programs to notify students and employees whenever there is “a threat that a serious crime is ongoing or may be repeated.”
Timely warnings are specifically for incidents which take place on Clery geography which is defined as “any building or property owned or controlled by an institution within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area and used by the institution in direct support of, or in a manner related to, the institution’s education purposes.”