StuGov agenda: Senate to convene for final session of semester
Student Government senate meetings take place every Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.
April 17, 2018
As the semester nears an end, the Student Government Senate will convene for a final session Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.
This means that Senate will need to debate any agenda items left on the table, as well as discuss unfinished business. The Senate will also discuss the nominations for several cabinet and committee positions as appointed by President Julian Neely and Juan Bibiloni.
Cabinet appointments include:
- Chase Kusel to Senior Director of Communications
- Brandon Johnson as Graphic Designer
- Jacob Moody as Director of Information Technology and Webmaster
- Kathryn Walker as Senior Director of Governmental Affairs
- Allie Hoskins as Ex-Officio Ames City Council Liasion
- Josh Kettelkamp as co-director of ISU Legislative Ambassadors
- Madyson Jones as co-director of ISU Legislative Ambassadros
- Zahra Barkley as Senior Director of Student Services
- Laura S. Pesquera-Colom as Director of Student Wellness
- Toni Sleugh as Director of Sustainability
- Lilian Juma as Director of Diversity and Inclusion
- Tiffany Contreras as Director of Outreach
- Tigerlily Sorensen as Director of Marketing
- Katie Nielson as Senior Director of Academic Affairs
- Dozmen Lee as Director of Student Residence
- Bradlee Fair as Election Commissioner
- Caroline Quinn as Treasurer
Committee appointments include: Liera Bender to the Special Student Fee and Tuition Committee and Chase Kusel to the Iowa State Daily Publication Board.
In regard to new business, which will need to be pushed through its second reading at Wednesday’s meeting, items up for discussion include:
- $500 in funding to the University Affairs Committee to help host an event on pedestrian safety,
- A resolution to encourage standardized test flexibility in student admissions,
- A resolution that encourages an Inclusive Ethnic and Racial Option that includes a Middle Eastern and North African option for self-identification in surveys,
- A resolution celebrating First Amendment Days at Iowa State,
- A bill that adds to the responsibilities of the Vice Speaker of the Senate to author a weekly report on “Senate happenings,” and
- an order that “reprimands” Sen. Sam Freestone for not turning on his microphone before speaking during Senate.