Student Government to host last town hall of West-Smith administration


Jillian Alt/Iowa State Daily

Current Vice President of Student Government Cody Smith talks about his work with the Student Health and Wellness Department on a campaign for a Collegiate Recovery Center. He is presenting at the third student government town hall of the current administration in the Memorial Union Thursday night.

Alex Connor

Campus climate, enrollment, affordability and student health.

These are the topics for the last town hall of the West-Smith administration, with Student Government partnering with student affairs to host the event.

Town halls hosted by Student Government have become a frequent trend under President Cody West and Vice President Cody Smith, as the two student leaders wanted a new outreach opportunity that would better engage the student body throughout their term. 

Panelists for the town hall include: Erin Baldwin, interim assistant vice president for student health services; Laura Doering, associate vice president for enrollment management and student success; Margo Foreman, director of the Office of Equal Opportunity; Cody Smith, vice president of Student Government and Luis Rico-Gutierrez, dean of the College of Design. 

The event will occur Thursday, March 22 at 5:30 p.m. in the Soults Family Visitor Center. 

While low student turnout has been a frequent trend of the monthly town halls, President-elect Julian Neely and Vice president-elect Juan Bibiloni campaigned on continuing the program during their administration.