StuGov agenda: Public relations restructure, $5,450 in funding requests

Student Government senate meetings take place every Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.

Alex Connor

With two meetings left in the session, Student Government will debate $5,452 in funding requests, as well as the restructuring of the public relations committee.

Also up for discussion are annual allocation recommendations as well as the post-annual Priorities and Criteria changes sent from finance committee.

Wednesday is the last meeting for the current session to introduce new legislation that can be approved during this administration. The new Senate will be inaugurated Wednesday, April 11. 

Funding requests include: 

  • $3,372 to the National Society of Black Engineers to attend a conference in Pennsylvania, and
  • $2,080 to Photo Club for equipment.

The Senate will also debate the restructuring of the public relations committee in an attempt to make the committee more efficient and reach more students through a restructure of its responsibilities and tasks. 

“It is in the interest of Student Government to reach as many students as possible,” according to the act. “The PR [public relations] task force has evaluated the current system and determined a new structure which aims to solidify and codify and the leadership and chain of command.”

The Senate will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union. For more information or to contact your senator, visit