President Wintersteen addresses midyear budget cuts

Emily Blobaum/Iowa State Daily

The Iowa State Daily sat down with President Wendy Wintersteen on Feb. 12, 2018.

Tristan Wade

Iowa State President Wendy Wintersteen sent out an email to the Iowa State community Thursday discussing midyear budget cuts that were approved by Iowa legislature.

The bill that the Iowa Legislature approved will result in a total of $10.9 million in cuts from the Board of Regents for the current FY2018. The bill outlines that only Iowa State and the University of Iowa will be affected by the cuts.

Wintersteen addressed what the universities current action is to these cuts in her email.

“I am working with the Senior Vice Presidents to develop a plan to implement the midyear budget reduction while mitigating the impact on our teaching, research, and extension excellence, and critical student services,” Wintersteen said. “We also will engage university leaders across campus to provide input on this plan.”

Wintersteen also referenced the fact that the FY2019 budget appropriations for the Board of Regents are still unknown, and that the Board has said that it is thinking about a tuition rate increase. That is expected to be discussed at the April 11-12 Board of Regents meeting.

In the email, Wintersteen went on to thank those who have voiced strong opposition to the midyear cuts. She also pointed out the large population of Iowans that make up Iowa State’s enrollment.

“Our supporters know these students are the future of this state and are well worth the state’s investment in their growth, education, and development,” Wintersteen said.

Over the past four years, Iowa State has reduced or avoided costs totalling $22 million, Wintersteen said.

“The state’s move to take back promised funds for the second year in a row makes this an especially difficult situation, but Iowa State University is strong and resilient. We will face these challenges together to seek the best possible outcome for our students, faculty, and staff,” Wintersteen said.