How to start off spring semester right

Maria Pimentel Diaz

With Winter Break being almost over, here are a few quick tips to help you have a successful start to the upcoming spring semester:

  1. Make sure your schedule is finalized. Here are a few general education courses you could take if you’re still looking for something to fill your schedule:
    1. Theatre 106- Introduction to Performing Arts is a three credit course that falls under the humanities requirement.
    2. Theatre 110- Theatre and Society is a three credit course that falls under the humanities requirement.
    3. U.S. Latino Studies 211- Introduction to U.S. Latino/a Studies is a 3 credit course that falls under the humanities requirement.
    4. Entomology 201- Introduction to Insects is a 1 credit online course that falls under the natural science requirement.
    5. Entomology 211- Insencts and Society is a 2 credit course that falls under the natural science requirement.
    6. Geology 101- Environmental Geology: Earth in Crisis is a 3 credit course that falls under the natural science requirement.
    7. Food Science Human Nutrition 167- Introduction to Human Nutrition is a 3 credit course that falls under the natural science requirement.
    8. Apparel, Merchandising and Design 165- Dress and Diversity in Society is a 3 credit course that falls under the social sciences requirement.
    9. Public Relations 220- Principles of Public Relations is a 3 credit course that falls under the social sciences requirement.
    10. Political Science 343- Latin American Government and Politics is a 3 credit course that falls under the social sciences requirement.
  2. Try to find where your classes are before the start of the term.

  3. Read each class syllabus before classes start, that way you have an idea of how the rest of the semester is going to go.

  4. The spring semester tends to go by faster than the fall semester, so get to work as soon as you can.

  5. Get the sleep you need to be focused and energized.

  6. Look at how your fall semester went and see what you can implement into the upcoming semester.

  7. Ask your professors for help when you need it, even if that’s before classed even start.

  8. Have a countdown for spring break, it’ll eventually come!