10 tips to come back from break successfully
Tips for finals week
March 20, 2017
Spring break was a perfect time to unwind, spend time with family and friends, relax and take time to refresh. But as break has come to an end and classes have started, it is time to kick the end of the semester into high gear. After a vacation and knowing there are a handful of weeks left before summer, it can be easy to start getting distracted and not put in your best effort.
Here are a couple of tips to make sure that you are working at your fullest potential and creating maximum success for the end of your year and cumulative GPA.
1. Clean your personal space
Living in a clean and organized space is key to success. Coming back to your room after break, it is important to create a space you enjoy studying in and not just sleeping in. Try a trip to the store and purchase a fun plant that will liven up your room or a diffuser to freshen up your space.
2. Stay organized
A great way to stay organized is to put a lot of thought into your planner. Take note of all your homework, projects, study hours and more to make sure you are not skipping out on any points that could improve your grade. As the year nears its conclusion, there are several events happening all the time. Try color coating your planner to set reminders and organize homework from events.
3. Do all of your homework
It is easy in the last couple of weeks to slack off and enjoy the warm weather. Completing all of the homework assigned to get maximum points is crucial to finishing the year strong. Homework is a way to learn, ask questions and get points.
4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help
With the year coming to a close, it might seem easy to give up on difficult things. The professors on campus are there to help. Use them. Ask questions about how to improve your grade or how to finish a problem or project to get all of the points. This semester is almost over, but that doesn’t mean the school work is over.
5. Go to class
Going to class is extremely important at this time of year. Professors are talking about the closing notes of the class, projects, homework and the final. Missing out on these lectures might seem easy, but with the end of the semester in sight, keep your grades and learning a priority.
6. Get sleep
Finals and dead weeks will spring ahead. Make sure to put yourself first and get the sleep and care you need. By caring for yourself and getting the rest you need you will give your body the chance to succeed and finish the year strong. Sleep is your best friend.
7. Rewrite your notes
Rewriting your notes, putting them on Quizlet and reviewing them several times will help store them in your memory. Reviewing your work is a great way to plan for success and keep on top of your schooling.
8. Start planning for finals
Now is a great time to start reviewing PowerPoints and notes for your finals. Being prepared ahead of the game is a great way to relieve stress and put yourself in a more comfortable state.
9. Stay healthy
Going to bed at a decent time, washing your hands and taking vitamins will help prevent sickness at this crucial time of the semester. Right now is your time to work for you, achieve doubts you once had and overcome goals that you have been working for since January. Let’s not allow sickness get in the way. Take care of your body and stress level and try a yoga class at Lied or State Gym.
10. Relax
Finally, relax. Closing in on the semester, take a breather. Eat dinner with friends, study outside, go for a run and take this time to be great for yourself. Everyone needs to relieve stress and relax in order to achieve a truly successful semester.
Follow a couple of these simple tips and tricks and try to end this year strong and better than ever.