Do you want to draw cartoons for the Iowa State Daily?
January 25, 2017
Political, social, cultural, economic — whatever sort of commentary you prefer — the Iowa State Daily is seeking a talented “thinking-artist” to join its ranks. The ideal candidate would be a generally insightful, shrewd, informed and clever individual — capable of critical analysis — and, of course, would possess the artistic competences that the position requires.
Do you want fame? Do you want recognition? Do you stare into your bathroom mirror, every morning, every day and ask yourself, “What have I done with my young life?” If so, this position might be for you. There is still time left. All is not lost.
What, you ask, would you be getting yourself into?
No more than one cartoon per week; that is, each week, you would produce a cartoon that would appear in the Iowa State Daily, on a weekly basis, on a certain day each week, with no fewer than six days in between your last, and, in short, you would be heavily congratulated for it.
The rest I leave to you. Single-panel or multi-panel, hand drawn or digitally rendered, lighthearted or scathingly irreverent — it simply must be something that our readers might be interested in.
Please direct all inquiries to [email protected]. Along with a brief — 100 words or fewer — cover letter explaining your interest in the position, attached to your email as proof of concept, three sample editorial cartoons that represent the quality of content you’d produce for the Iowa State Daily on a weekly basis.
Art can do so much more than writing alone. Images can speak in ways that words can’t. Pair the two, and you’ve really got something there — this is the idea, at least. So: The future is yours. Now draw it.