President Wintersteen addresses swastika etched into door

Caitlin Yamada/ Iowa State Daily

Door 2115 was vandalized with a swastika, which has since been removed entirely. 

Jacob Smith

Iowa State President Wendy Wintersteen sent an email Wednesday denouncing racism after a swastika was etched in a den door in Buchanan Hall.

Michael Newton, associate vice president and chief of police for Iowa State University Police Department (ISUPD), joined on the statement with Wintersteen.

Iowa State University Police received a report last night of a swastika etched on a den door in Buchanan Hall,” Wintersteen said in an email. “There are also ongoing reports of racist stickers and posters on light poles and bus stop signs around campus. 

Door 2115, located on the second floor of Buchanan Hall, had a swastika etched into it – which has since been removed and re-stained. The door has no evidence of the marking besides a slight discoloration where the stain is.

“ISU Police are investigating the swastika vandalism and the Department of Residence is offering support and resources to all residents on the impacted floor of Buchanan Hall,” Wintersteen said in an email. “The vandalism, stickers and posters are being removed in accordance with university policy.”

Buchanan residents received an email from Kirsten Hauge, Buchanan Hall Director, offering them the opportunity for support and to talk about the incident.

One of our main responsibilities as residence life staff within the Buchanan community is ensuring that we’re creating an inclusive living-learning environment for all of our residents and guests,” Hauge said in an email. “Recently, we became aware of a 1-inch by 1-inch swastika carved in the second floor den door. The swastika was reported to ISUPD, documented and removed from the door.”

Hauge said in an email that Department of Residence staff would be available to talk to students Wednesday night in room 2115 and she was open to talking to individuals over email or in-person about the impact of incident.

Wintersteen’s administration has been speaking out against recent incidents on campus following the unification of students into a group called Students Against Racism.

The students have met with Wintersteen demanding changes be made and that Iowa State does more to address discrimination on campus.

“We want to again emphasize that we denounce racism, white supremacy, anti-Semitism and all bigoted rhetoric and actions,” Wintersteen said in an email. “We are appalled that people continue to spread hate on our campus. We urge all of you to join us in condemning such views in accordance with our Principles of Community.”

Last week, Wintersteen sent out a joint statement with Newton after ISUPD received a report that students were threatened with physical violence on the Iowa State Reddit page.

The photo posted was of a recent Students Against Racism meeting which addressed recent controversial events on campus, titled with “We fought for this land and won, and will be more than willing to kill for it again if you try and take it.”

The Campus Climate website has been being updated with all new information about incidents with dates of when they are updated.

“We want to update you regarding the most recent incidents of racism on campus,” Wintersteen said in an email. “We also want to let you know that to provide campus more timely information, we will be communicating about these and future incidents of racism or bias through the Campus Climate website.”