Winter car hacks that everyone should know

Katie Wallner

Fog- Proofing your Windshield 

  • Put a thin layer of shaving cream on the inside of your windows and then wipe it off, that layer will keep your windows fog free. Shaving cream has a lot of the ingredients that commercial defrosters have.  
  • Fill a sock with kitty litter and keep it in your car overnight. The sock with kitty litter will absorb the moisture in your car.
  • Before you turn your car off each night, open up the windows for a bit to let the cold air in. The moisture that was left in your car from your breathing will be replaced with air that is dryer. 
  • Do not leave water bottles or drinks in your car because the next morning that liquid will become frost on the inside of your car windows. 
  • Although, AC is also still one of the best ways defog your car. 

Extra Pair of Socks in Your Glove Box? 

Socks as Windshield Wiper Covers 

  • You can also uses those extra pair of socks to keep the snow and ice off of your windshield wipers. All you have to do is lift your windshield wipers up and place the sock over them for easier de-icing in the morning. 

Wiper Blades Frozen to your Windshield

  • Get a cloth and soak it with full strength rubbing alcohol and wipe both of the blades. This will unfreeze your windshield wipers from your windshield. 

DIY Ice De-freezer 

  • If parking East isn’t possible and the sun won’t be able to de-freeze the ice from your window, you can make your own ice de-freezer. To make it mix three parts vinegar with one part water and then put it in a spray bottle so you can spray you windows to prevent them from freezing. 

Increase Headlight Visibility  

–  Headlights that are well lit are very important in the winter. To increase your headlight visibility dab some tooth paste on a rag and rub it on your headlights and then rinse it off with warm water. You would be surprised how well this will improve your headlight visibility.