Iowa State creates web accessibility coordinator position

Xinqiao Gu

Iowa State University Information Technology (IT) is now searching for a web accessibility coordinator.

Jonathan Wickert, senior vice president and provost, said the new position will coordinate with departments, faculty, staff and students as well as web designers and people in information technology to make sure all web resources are easily accessible and available for everyone. 

New technology is being developed each day, and ISU IT is looking to continue to provide better service for students. Some other higher education institutes and colleges have a similar position on their campus.

Wickert said the position will also work to improve accessibility of web-based information for those with a hearing or visual impairment. 

“Anybody is welcome to apply for the position, who has the right qualifications,” Wickert said.

The deadline for the application is Sunday. Wickert said they hope to fill the position by November of this year.

The major task of this new web accessibility coordinator is to use the latest IT knowledge to design or implement a website. The coordinator will also cooperate with IT for more accessibility and convenient web resources for the campus.

Some other tasks may include improving the Wi-Fi system in residence halls, organizing new online testing centers and focusing on online material that is related to student orientation in the fall semester.

Associate Counsel Maureen De Armond said the new coordinator should not only have strong technical skills but also strong leadership, communication and collaboration skills to lead projects and cooperate with other departments around campus.

“The new web accessibility coordinator should be somebody who can wake up every day and come to work who’s thinking about how can we design and implement our websites to provide information as easily as possible and as accessible as possible to every student, faculty, staff and member of the public,” Wickert said.

The web accessibility coordinator will also take part in researching hardware and focusing on improving security. The coordinator will assist in planning systems on business database software, student information system maintenance and financial payroll systems.

Candidates are also asked to have skills in web design and graphic design.