Online classes save time, available to ISU students
Kelby Wingert/Iowa State Daily
Natalie Gillenwater, sophomore in music education, is currently taking Psychology 230 online through Iowa State. She uses a textbook and often has to watch lecture videos online before she takes quizzes over the material she learns.
August 16, 2015
Many students forget they have the option to take online classes while attending Iowa State. With new courses being offered every term, students have many more online options.
Courses such as beginning sign language to Latino studies can be taken online.
Online courses allow students flexibility within their schedule. They also allow students to take another course, get a job or receive credit during the summer.
Students who take online courses must be self-disciplined and organized because there is no set meeting time.
Every ISU student will have to take one online course — Library 160. Although there is a test-out option, it’s not a bad idea for students to use this simple course as a test to see if they are interested in taking more online courses.
There are some subjects that can be better to take online than others. Labs are difficult, which is why the school rarely offers them online.
If one subject is particularly difficult for a student, it may be best to not take it online.
Students who are interested in online classes should talk to their adviser. Advisers can help find online classes for students that will help them succeed.