Jindal shames Planned Parenthood
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal speaks with supporters on July 21, 2015 at the Oakwood Community Center in Ames.
July 22, 2015
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal discussed social issues and the recent allegations against Planned Parenthood, calling the content of the hidden camera video’s “horrific.”
Jindal, who was at the Oakwood Community Center in Ames on Tuesday, is one of 16 Republican candidates running for the 2016 presidential nomination. The governor has recently committed to visiting all of Iowa’s 99 counties. Story County was No. 12.
A hidden camera video featuring a Planned Parenthood official discussing the cost of transferring fetal tissue to biomedical research facilities. Planned Parenthood claims the video was edited to make it look bad, and the prices that were discussed were for shipping costs. It’s illegal to sell fetal material for a profit.
On Tuesday, a second hidden camera video of Planned Parenthood employees discussing money associated with aborted fetus tissue and organs was released.
Both videos were released by the anti-abortion group The Center for Medical Progress. The group is accusing Planned Parenthood in the illegal act of selling fetus organs and tissue.
Jindal said the second video was “as horrific as the first” and called for Congress to immediately cut all federal support of Planned Parenthood.
“Louisiana has been voted most pro-life state 6 years in a row,” Jindal said.
Jindal told the crowd about how Louisiana has launched an investigation into Planned Parenthood along with Texas.
Jindal also said he wanted to know where the Democrats stand on the issue.
He called the video “just barbaric” and said a culture needs to be created in which innocent lives are cared about.
In response to the recent same-sex marriage ruling by the Supreme Court, Jindal said he would “downsize” the court as president.
“There’s three justices I wouldn’t mind keeping,” Jindal said.
He went on to say the court decision was unconstitutional and an assault on religious liberty.
“For me marriage always has and always will be between a man and a woman,” Jindal said.
Jindal said those on the other side are trying to take God out of the public square.
“The United States of America did not create religious liberty. Religious liberty created the United States of America,” Jindal said.
The governor also condemned government entities such as the IRS and the EPA.
As for the first four things Jindal would do as president: repeal Obamacare, secure borders, shrink federal government and grow private sector economy, and reinvest in the military.