Tech Tuesday: 3D Printing
April 13, 2015
TED Talks are one of the best ways to learn about new things and to gain a new perspective. They’re successful because they do such a good job of explaining complex ideas in easy-to-understand ways. Last month, Joseph DeSimone gave a TED Talk about how his invention is revolutionizing 3D printing and speeding it up by 25 to 100 times. What is 3D printing anyway?
“3D printing is actually a misnomer. It’s actually 2D printing over and over again, and it in fact uses the technologies associated with 2D printing,” DeSimone said in his talk. “Think about inkjet printing where you lay down ink on a page to make letters, and then do that over and over again to build up a three-dimensional object.”
DeSimone’s technology, Carbon3D, is in the process of changing the 3D printing game forever, which can open the doors to new personalized forms of manufacturing from surgery to dentistry to cars and even aerospace uses. Check out this 10-minute video and get excited about where the future of technology and manufacturing is headed.