Showtime’s fifth season of “Shameless” takes off with second episode

Renae Meines


In the second episode of the fifth season, titled “I’m the Liver,” we get a lot of the classic Gallagher shenanigans while setting up the rest of the season’s more serious arcs. After the dark and heart-wrenching fourth season, the optimistic feelings of the first two episodes has been more than welcome.

Fiona is currently attempting to flirt with her boss at the pie shop as well as at Narcotics Anonymous meetings—and he isn’t having any of it. He reminds Fiona that she is chaos, and tells her that he can’t be with her because it will cause him to stray from his path of recovery. By the end of the episode, after going to a show that ends disastrously, Fiona is realizing the truth of his words, and is at a crossroads of continuing down her destructive path or choosing to pick a better route.

Simultaneously providing tension and comic relief is the relationship of Kevin, Vee, and their two new twins. Also to be appreciated is the character growth of Svetlana, the prostitute, who met Kevin at the park and is now giving him parenting advice. Vee is growing increasingly frustrated with the babies and Kevin, and it will be interesting to see if Svetlana influences their relationship at all. During their fight in this episode, Svetlana sneaks out the door while saying that it is time for the baby’s nap. 

Joan Cusack (Sheila) doesn’t disappoint this episode, continuing her rivalry with Frank’s daughter, Sammy. Sheila and Frank are invited to an incredibly awkward dinner party by Frank’s liver’s organ donor’s father. Yep, you read that right. All of the body parts are represented, and Frank “shameless”ly drinks wine in front of the distraught family.

Overall, shenanigans aside, this season of “Shameless” is shaping up to be one of the best yet. We have yet to see Jimmy/Steve, who was revealed at the end of last season, but no doubt his entry into the picture will shake up Fiona’s life again, as the only man she has truly “fallen for.” With tension building and foreshadowing of many events to come, tune in next Sunday for the next episode of “Shameless.”