Soylent seeks to provide meals for under $2

Renae Meines

What if you never had to worry about food again?

That’s the campaign behind the protein, nutrition and all-in-one shake called Soylent. For $70 a month, you can have 21 meals by mixing the Soylent powder with water. Currently, that averages out to a little over $3 per meal. 

The idea is that Soylent can be a cheap, quick alternative for lunch instead of other unhealthy fast food options. Soylent has rapidly garnered a huge fanbase, hailing it as the future. There is even a dedicated site called “DIY Soylent” where users can submit their own flavored soylent recipes such as “Chocolate Silk,” “Clean Vanilla” or “Sensitive Pea”— probably won’t be trying that last one.

According to Soylent’s website: “Soylent’s nutritional makeup includes protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, and vitamins and minerals such as potassium, iron and calcium. It includes all of the elements of a healthy diet, without undesirables such as sugars, saturated fats, or cholesterol.”

Now after receiving nearly $20,000,000 from investors, Soylent aims to improve taste as well as reduce cost per meal to under $2. For people on-the-go or looking to cut food cost from their life, Soylent could prove to be a very attractive option.

It’s highly unlikely that Soylent will ever completely replace the deliciousness of real food, but would having a cheap, filling and nutritious shake between classes make your life a little bit easier?