Ab exercises

Noelina Rissman

Try a new ab workout this weekend to help spice up your gym sessions:

1. Opposite arm and leg raise

Start on the floor on all fours. Your knees should be directly under your hips, as well as your wrists underneath your shoulders. As you extend your left hand forward to shoulder height, stretch your right leg out until it is parallel to the floor and in line with your back. Return to starting position and do the same movement but on the opposite side. Do 15 to 20 reps alternating sides.

2. The plank

Start in a pushup position with your palms directly underneath your shoulders and your arms fully extended. Remember to keep your face down. Engage your core and hold that position for as long as you can while remembering to keep your back flat and not arched up or down. Hold that position for at least 30 seconds.  Rest for a minute and then repeat two more times. The better you become at planks, the longer you can hold yourself stable each round.

3. Sitting knee tuck

Start by sitting on the floor with your feet extended out in front of you and your hands partly away from your sides, fingers facing outwards. Lean back slightly to keep yourself balanced during the movement. Bring your knees up to your chest. As you lower your legs back down, fully extend your legs out in front of you again, but try not to touch your feet to the ground. Once fully extended, bring your knees back up to your chest. Each knee-in is one rep. Do this for 15 to 20 reps for three or four sets.

4. Reverse crunch

Lie on your back with your legs extended out in front of you about six inches off the floor. Bring your knees to your chest while lifting your lower back off the floor. You should engage your core during the movement to work your lower abs. Return to starting position and continue this for 15 to 20 reps, not touching your feet to the ground at the end of each rep. Do this for three or four sets.

5. Chair hold

Sit on the edge of a chair with your back straight and hands on the edge as well. Your fingers should be on the front edge of the chair, facing forward. As you tighten your abs, simultaneously lift yourself off of the chair and your toes off of the floor about three inches until you’re holding yourself off the chair with only your arms. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Continue this exercise for up to a minute.  

6. Windshield wiper

Lay down on the ground. Extend your legs straight up until your body forms an “L.” Move your legs to the right as far as possible, keeping your upper body flat on the ground. Sweep your legs to the left as far as possible and return to the middle, starting position. This is one rep. Do this for 15 to 20 reps for four sets.

7. Bicycle

Lie on your back with your hands placed behind your head and your knees bent and over the top of your hips. Twist your body to the left, engaging your core, while bringing your right elbow to your left knee. As you are twisting to touch your elbow to your knee, extend your right leg out until it’s completely straight but don’t let it touch the ground. Now, switch to the other side. Each side is one rep. As you alternate, do this pedaling motion for 15 to 20 reps for three sets.