letter: Muslim or Japanese

Robert Batey, Non Student

In 1941, the Japanese caused so much death and destruction by the bombing of Pearl Harbor that it could have only been accomplished with a well-manned fleet and many planes.

After overstaying their Visas and being in our nation illegally and prior to 9/11, Muslim students took flying lessons and became pilots enough to board passenger jets and give us the television show of all times, as we helplessly watched the destruction of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, all while murdering thousands of Americans.

In extreme contrast to the Pearl Harbor bombing, it didn’t take a fleet, nor did it require an Army. No A-bombs were used. This was all accomplished by a few Christian-hating Muslims that were welcomed to our Nation as students.

Rather than all Muslims being sent to a desert prison, as the American Japanese were in WWII, we have rewarded their success by electing, then re-electing a president that was fathered by a Muslim, attended a Muslim school, and has displayed great disrespect for Christianity. 

The Japanese that were U.S. citizens and completely un-related to Pearl Harbor were still sent to the Western desert to wait out the war. However, the Muslims were sent to the White House; which might be more fitting to deal with ISIS.


Robert Batey 

2841 Kentucky Ave

Mt. Pleasant, IA 52641