Florida moms against Breaking Bad action figures


Bryan Cranston

Renae Meines

According to Susan Schrivjer, a mother located in Florida, the toy line of Breaking Bad action figures is encouraging young children to cook up a batch of methamphetamines.

She began a petition on Change.org which has garnered nearly 7,000 supporters as of this morning. Schrivjer, who admits to being a fan of the show, believes that the action figures holding detachable cash or a bag of meth is not sending the right message to kids.

Toys R’ Us however, defends their line in a statement that “the toys are labeled as suitable for children ages 15 and over and are located in the section for adult action figures.”

In a tweet that won the hearts of the Internet, Bryan Cranston, star of Breaking Bad, tweets “”Florida mom petitions against Toys ‘R Us over Breaking Bad action figures.” I’m so mad, I’m burning my Florida Mom action figure in protest.”

This petition has raised debate online– if Schrivjer is a fan of the show, hasn’t that exposed her kids to more “bad influence” than simply seeing an action figure (among thousands) in the toy store? If the toys are in their own adult section of Toys ‘R Us, why is she letting her over-sheltered children wander through there? What happens when your kids see condoms at the grocery store? Do we petition to remove those as well?

While it is perfectly fine for Schrivjer to raise her kids in the way that she sees fit, it shouldn’t be the responsibility of Toys ‘R Us to censor things on her personal behalf. Parenting involves a lot more than just keeping every bad thing away from your kid. It involves talking to them and explaining why things aren’t appropriate for them.