Making the most of your midterms

Renae Meines

We all know the feeling while walking away from a disastrous test that has kicked us right in the face.

The reality is, there’s no special shortcut to getting a good grade when you’ve slept through every class and haven’t done the readings. It’s not too late to turn this ship around, though, and there are a few things that might make your life marginally easier.

Try making explicitly detailed lists of things you need to do. Checking each item off of the list as you go makes you feel more productive as well as organizes and helps keep track of your thoughts. If you have a planner you can write it all down in there, but even a sticky note on your desk can help during a mid-school-year crisis.

Find your studying niche. The library seems to be the default quiet place to go, but during prime exam time it becomes a festival for people who like to pretend they’re studying but really just want to munch on chips. Loudly. Try going to your favorite ambient coffee shop or find an empty classroom. Everyone has their own studying preferences and it’s up to you to determine yours.

Make a playlist that is motivating. Recently, I’ve really been rocking out on projects to Panic! At the Disco as well as Motion City Soundtrack. You can choose any genre, however, as long as you don’t get distracted when you really need to focus.

Take yourself out. Been cramming all day? Get some Chinese food or order in a pizza. Promise yourself a half hour or an hour to unwind after you complete a certain goal. Take a hot bath, or make yourself some tea. Celebrating your small achievements makes it easier to move forward.

Procrastination is the destroyer of grades, so make sure you stay ahead of it. Don’t let procrastination beat you. You’re better than it. If you need to, find someone in your class to become your accountabili-buddy. Studying together and encouraging each other can be quite beneficial if you work well with others.

Even with the best of preparation, you might still bomb that midterm. It’s going to be okay. We’re only halfway through the semester, and if you’re struggling you should always talk to your professor about your performance and how you can do better.