Ticket purchasing information

Max Dible

Big ticket items on the ISU campus these days are tickets themselves.

Due to increasing enrollment and the subsequent increase in demand for tickets to football and basketball games, the ISU athletic department is implementing a lottery system for incoming students to create equitable distribution of student tickets.

Eligibility for student tickets is afforded only to registered, full-time students for the upcoming fall semester.

The comprehensive ticket option for students is the All Sports Package, which includes season tickets to football and basketball games, as well as a Cy’s Pass, which will allow entry to all other sporting events on campus for which a fee is charged. Also provided is a membership to the Cyclone Alley/Student Alumni Association and a complimentary T-shirt. This package is priced at $249.

Season tickets to football games are $125. A Cy’s Pass is $30 and allow access to ISU wrestling, volleyball, women’s basketball and gymnastics events. 

Options for the purchasing of general admission tickets, either season tickets or individual game tickets, are available online at www.cyclones.com/ViewArticle.dbml?ATCLID=880594.