Letter: Is ISU trying to comunicatie with aliens

I am not big into conspiracy theories nor am I into horror stories, but I have a freak incident to report that took place the night of April 14. As you may or may not know, April 14 was the night of a lunar eclipse where the great red moon came out. My friends and I wanted to go out into the darkness of the country to get a better view of this wonderful event. On our way back, we drove past the Towers’ parking lot when all of a sudden the night took an unexpected turn.

As we were driving by, my friend saw that the lights in the parking lot were flickering. Naturally, we drove closer to see what was up. Upon further inspection, we noticed the lights were going absolutely crazy, flashing in a way that is not normal for lights that are just short-circuiting. The lights clearly were either flashing to music that no one could hear or they were trying to communicate via morse code. 

Now normally I would just put this off as some sort of electrical engineer prank, seeing as our engineering friends were known for hacking the Capital One mascot voting as well as other pranks around the university, but this was different. The fact that this happened the night of the infamous “blood moon” is no coincidence. This makes me believe that there is more to the random dancing lights in the Towers’ parking lot.

The only logical thing that I can think of to explain this anomaly is that someone here on Earth is trying to communicate with some sort of extraterrestrial life. This alleged “alien spy” must have been sent to Earth to gather information about our defense systems. This spy must have been told not to make contact until the moon turned red, as a red “bloody” moon clearly was a sign from the aliens that war is upon us and blood shall be shed.

The students of Iowa State University need to be informed. Some sketchy activities have been happening at Towers and we need to be prepared. I am willing to head the task force in order to form an action plan regarding what Iowa State will do if we do in fact happen to be the central hub of the upcoming alien invasion. For now, though, I will leave this mystery up for debate. Please, if someone over at facilities planning and management or the parking division can explain this weird anomaly with the lights I will be more than willing to listen. But for now, with no other reasonable logic, we must act as if this is an extraterrestrial event and prepare ourselves.

Unfortunately, I do not have proof that aliens exist, but I do have a video of the dancing lights over at Towers for all to see. If we find that this is a concern that needs to be addressed, I am more than willing to share the video for all of Iowa State to see.

Stay safe, Iowa State.