ISU senior is princess among students


Photo courtesy of Sarah Stroming

Meaghan Hetherton, senior in biological/pre-medical illustration, plays Princess Snow White at Little Princess Parties. Meaghan dresses as a princess every weekend and attends children’s parties through the party company.

Makayla Tendall

Among almost 25,600 undergraduate students at ISU, Meaghan Hetherton sticks out as a princess, design student and self-proclaimed “girl with a dream and a direction.”

Since December 2009, Hetherton, senior in biological/pre-medical illustration, has worked for Little Princess Parties, a small business based out of Des Moines.

Hetherton and other employees dress up and act as popular animated princesses, entertaining mainly at birthday parties and some larger events that are open to the public.

“We do everything from games, to singing, to bubbles, to stories, treasure hunts, tea parties and more,” said Sarah Strominger, owner of Little Princess Parties.

Strominger started the business in 2005. Little Princess Parties has eight princesses clients can choose from: Princess Snow White, Arabian Princess, Princess Beauty, Princess Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Princess Sleeping Beauty, Pixie and Princess Rapunzel.

Hetherton, who confessed a love for Disney princesses, has been involved with acting and public speaking since high school.

“I’ve always been outgoing … wanting a spotlight since I was very young,” Hetherton said.

According to Hetherton, with her outgoing personality and penchant for acting, the job with Little Princess Parties was made for her.

“You put on a wig and put on some bright red lipstick, and you are not yourself anymore,” Hetherton said.

Not only does Hetherton enjoy her job because of her love for acting, but she said she feels that she is a positive influence for the children she entertains.

“Kids are growing up super fast these days, and if I can bring a little bit of ‘real magic’ to them, then that seems pretty special. Princesses are a lot of little girls’ idols, so if I can be a kind, gentle, polite influence on them, that is pretty neat too,” Hetherton said.

Hetherton transforms into one of three princesses on any given weekend: Princess Beauty, Princess Snow White or Princess Rapunzel.

Hetherton’s creativity shows in her schoolwork as well. As a medical illustration student, she must balance that creativity with the hard facts of science.

“I admittedly enjoy the artistic aspect at least a little more than the biology,” Hetherton said.

However, Hetherton said she loves the major because of the different career paths it opens for her. She will be able pursue a career in the medical field, illustrating surgical texts or educating patients on certain medical aspects.

On the other hand, Hetherton may have a more artistic career, possibly reaching her lifetime goal of illustrating a children’s book.

Nonetheless, Hetherton will attend graduate school in the fall and was recently accepted into the Georgia Regents University Medical Illustration Program.

Her desire to chase her goals in life also affects her job with the Little Princess Parties, showing in the characters she represents.

“I think Belle is more akin to my personality. ‘Beauty and the Beast’ has been my all-time favorite movie, so the fact that I was chosen [by Strominger] to play her was my dream come true,” Hetherton said.

Hetherton said Princess Beauty represents her in the way the character “doesn’t really take crap from anybody.”

Hetherton said she feels there are many lessons that the princesses can teach children.

“I think a lot of people get hung up on [princesses] being flighty and superficial, but Belle is one of those characters who looks deeper into situations and sees people for who they are and makes intelligent choices,” Hetherton said. 

Hetherton said she believes that the experience has shaped her life.

“I think that Little Princess Parties is shaping my life by bringing a little bit of magic to me as well, and keeping my inner child alive.”