Spamalot hits Ames
Photo courtesy of Flickr: Neil Hinchley
The musical “Spamalot” will be performed at 7:30 p.m. March 5, 2013, in Stephen’s Auditorium.
March 5, 2013
Kasidy Devlin, who plays Sir Robin and three other characters in the national tour of Spamalot, which will be at Stephens Auditorium on March 5, 2013, didn’t think he’d ever get the part.
He showed up late to his audition and was number 475 to audition that day.
This Broadway show, touring since 2006, returns to Ames on March 5. It starts at 7:30 p.m. and is there for only one night.
“I guess they liked me. Now that they asked me [to tour with Spamalot] I’ve been in the show two years now.” Devlin said. “I’ve just had my 220th show.” Devlin got the idea to audition for Spamalot from his love of the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
He originally saw the movie when he was 9 years old, when he rented it from a movie rental store.
Technically the clerk at the movie rental store wasn’t allowed to give it to him since it was rated R, but since the clerk was a big Monty Python fan himself, he declared the movie a must-see and let Devlin rent it anyway.
“I loved the movie and then I wanted to devour all the other stuff that they’d done, the Life of Brian and the televisions series. I’ve been a big fan the rest of my life,” Devlin said.
Finding his passion for acting at a young age Devlin admits that he doesn’t really know when he knew he was supposed to be an actor.
“It’s something I’ve thought about a couple of times, but I’m not really sure when [I knew]. It’s sort of always been there.”
In his earliest memories his grandmother would hold holiday shows that included skits, songs and even acrobatics. He had always wanted to be on stage and finally was able to share the stage with his grandma when he was five years old.
Aside from Grandma’s holiday shows, Devlin practiced his acting in front of a mirror, mimicking one of his idols, Charlie Chaplin. He rewound the movies on his VHS tapes and copied the facial features.
His love for acting followed him though high school and carried on into college, studying physical theater in Blue Lake, Calif.
Touring with Spamalot is different than one night shows on Broadway. According to Devlin, routine really helps an actor deliver a steady performance.
When they are touring it’s harder to keep a regular routine because they are always on the road.
“You also don’t know what audiences you’re getting. It’s interesting to see how different jokes play in different areas.” Devlin said.
Generally within the first 10 minutes of the performance the cast can tell what type of audience they are performing for that night. The Python audience will laugh and cheer before a line is read or even before a character appears on the stage.
Even when the cast is performing a show to someone who has never seen Monty Python, they still get a good reaction from the crowd.
“There are a lot of new things added and a whole new story line worked in, so that if you don’t even know the original source, you can still enjoy the show,” Devlin said.