Police blotter 3.23.13

Mark Duffy, 25, 4815 Todd Drive, Unit 68, was arrested and charged with public intoxication at Lincoln Way and Welch Avenue (reported at 1:44 a.m.).

David Kauzlarich, 23, 302 Hickory Drive, Apt 3, was arrested and charged with public intoxication at the 400 block of Welch Avenue (reported at 2:07 a.m.).

Cayanne Keller, 21, of Jefferson, was arrested and charged with operating while intoxicated at Knapp Street and Welch Avenue (reported at 3:10 a.m.).

Derek Drew, 23, 2325 Knapp Street, was arrested on a warrant, charging him with fifth-degree theft at the 500 block of South Duff Avenue. The original case, initiated on Saturday, March 16, 2013, involved the reported theft of textbooks (reported at 9:58 p.m.).