Customize your wedding cocktail


Photo by Laura Bucklin/Iowa State Daily

Snazz up your wedding with a classy cocktail.

Customized cocktails have been a popular trend for weddings. They can be anything from elaborate concoctions to a drink using the bride and groom’s name with ‘tini’ at the end.

Herb Westphalen, creative mixologist for Signature Cocktails, has actually been creating custom cocktails for weddings for more than 10 years. First, Westphalen interviews the couple face to face, over Skype or via email.

“I try to figure out personal details the couple wants to show through the cocktails,” Westphalen said. “They can share anything like how they met, what they collect and more.”

From there, Westphalen creates a cocktail based on the information he got from the couple.

A bride from New Jersey had a father pass before her wedding. Every time she went to his grave, there was a white bird feather, and she saw that as a sign that he was there. Therefore, Westphalen created a cocktail with a handmade, edible white feather garnish that floated at the top of their cocktail to represent the bride’s father being there at the wedding.

“The cocktails can be a touching story or they can be silly,” Westphalen said.

One of Westphalen’s favorite cocktails was one he made for an Australian couple that wanted to honor their dog.

“I made a cocktail called Fergus in the Grass,” he said. “The garnish was a dark chocolate marshmallow and the drink below was a vodka-based, kiwi-flavored drink to resemble the grass.”

After the cocktail recipe has been created, Westphalen takes a photograph for the couple so they know what it looks like.

He also sends the recipe and photo to the venue so that they can get it just right for the wedding. The couple then receives a personal cocktail story about why the cocktail was done the way it was — that way the guests can understand what it’s all about too.

The most popular cocktails are either vodka- or champagne-based. Not all cocktails must be alcohol-based though. “Mocktails” can be created for couples who do not drink.

“I literally use all sorts of mixes to get the right color and flavor, and so it looks unique to the couple,” Westphalen said.

Westphalen has made cocktails for all sorts of couples’ weddings.

The neat thing about having customized cocktails is you can really help cut costs for the bar tab. One tip Westphalen gave was to offer beer, wine and the signature cocktail at the wedding, because it usually cuts down the bar tab by a third of the cost. Therefore, it can be a cost effective and personal touch to any wedding.

“Every single recipe is original,” Westphalen said. “I never use the recipes again because they’re purchasing their own cocktail recipes.”

Check out Westphalen’s creations at