We Are The Willows’ ‘Places’



Gretchen Baer

As a Minnesota native, I only found it necessary to review We Are The Willows’ latest EP, “Places.” Even though it came out back in May of 2011, I wanted to give them some recognition before they take the stage at the Maintenance Shop on Saturday. For fans of soft musical collaborations such as Bon Iver and S. Carey, you are sure to be a fan of We Are The Willows.

We Are The Willows hails from Minneapolis, and is a current project of one singer/songwriter Peter Michael Miller. “Places” is the most collaborative album to date, with music collaborations from many different instruments such as the violin, cello, subtle drums and a wide range of vocal harmonies. The tracks “Sante Fe,” ”Hayward” and “Somewhere, Virginia” are described by Miller himself as “experiences that commonly fade away and are forgotten beyond the reach of nostalgia”.

Miller also covers two songs, “Minneapolis” (“Savings Account” by History Books, another local Minneapolis band) and “Eau Claire” (“Microphone Ghost” by Wisconsin natives Laarks).

“Places” is a profound album that really allows listeners to get a feel for who this band is and what they represent. We Are The Willows will make an appearance as a seven-piece band at The Maintenance Shop, so be sure to get your tickets and check them out.

Grade: A

Recommended Tracks: “Sante Fe” and “Minneapolis”