More Iowa newspapers endorse Romney

CNN Wire Service

Ahead of Tuesday’s Iowa caucuses, Mitt Romney won the backing of an additional newspaper in the state on Sunday.

The Quad City Times tossed its endorsement to the former Massachusetts governor, praising him as the “articulate, polished chief executive with a range of business and governing experience that far exceeds his rivals.”

The paper, which is based in Davenport and circulates through several cities in Iowa and neighboring Illinois, made its decision after two other Iowa newspapers — The Des Moines Register and the Sioux City Journal — endorsed Romney in December.

Romney would be the most electable candidate against President Barack Obama in November, the editorial said, arguing “Romney presents a far more serious challenge than any other caucus contender.”

The paper credited Texas Rep. Ron Paul, who was endorsed by the Daily Iowan in December, as “the only contender bringing new Republicans into the process,” and said Texas Gov. Rick Perry “boasts a commendable job-growth record in Texas we’d love to see the nation follow.”

But each of Romney’s rivals, the paper said, has baggage, and Romney has the strongest appeal to Republican and independent voters.

“His sights are set on the presidency, not just the nomination,” the editorial read.

Romney also gained endorsements from the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier and Iowa City Press-Citizen this week.

— Daily Staff contributed to this report