Faculty Senate to hold November meeting

Aimee Burch,.Com

The ISU Faculty Senate will hold its third meeting of the year Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.

The Faculty Senate will be voting on three items of old business. The first is a proposal for the discontinuation of an undergraduate major in insect science because of low enrollment numbers in the last few years. The degree’s required classes will still remain, however, because they are service courses to non-majors.

The discontinuation of the program will take effect fall semester of 2012; those currently enrolled in the program will be able to finish their program of study. At the October Faculty Senate meeting, Suzanne Hendrich, university professor, told the delegation that the entomology department voted unanimously in favor of the discontinuation.

The other items of old business include creating a Bachelor of Science program in athletic training and creating a Morrill professorship. Faculty Senate President Steven Freeman previously told senators this professorship will recognize a given professor’s achievements in both teaching and learning in similar stature.

The Faculty Senate will be presented with a new proposal to be voted on at the Dec. 6 meeting. The proposal aims to add a new minor in U.S. Latino/a Studies to the current choices of minors offered to ISU students.

More information on Tuesday’s meeting and all proposals can be found at http://www.facsen.iastate.edu/.