Seniors exhibit ceramics work in art show, sale

Jenna Weir and TJ Long, both seniors in integrated studio arts, finalize plans for their senior thesis exhibit Wednesday, April 27. The exhibit will run April 30 – May 1 at Carbon Six Studio in Ames.

Nicole Wiegand

Three years of studio work in the basement of the College of Design has all led up to this Saturday night for Jenna Weir and TJ Long, seniors in integrated studio art.

The duo will unveil their extensive work in ceramics at an exhibit running Saturday and Sunday at Carbon Six Studio in Ames.

Weir said the exhibit is a culmination of the work the two have done during the course of the semester in advanced ceramics.

“We had an option where our only assignment was to have enough pieces for an exhibit by the end of the year,” she said. “TJ and I are friends, so when we both had the idea [to hold an exhibit], we decided to work together.”

Weir said working on an exhibit together was the most cost-effective option. Teaming up also made finding a space and organizing all aspects of the reception less stressful.

“We didn’t really think of doing [the exhibit] until like a month ago,” Weir said. Since then, she and Long have been so focused on putting the exhibit together that, aside from posters hung around the College of Design, publicity for the show has taken a backseat.

“We’ve been so busy putting together things for the show there hasn’t been much time to think about advertising,” she said. “The past month has been a reminder of just how much work it is to put a show together.”

Despite how hectic the planning process has been, Weir is optimistic about the gallery opening on Saturday night.

“I think it will prove to be a positive experience,” she said.  “You see your own work and judge it so hard, but when other people have positive things to say about it, it definitely helps your confidence.”

Weir will exhibit approximately 10 pieces at the show, with an emphasis on large platters. Long, whose work mainly consists of thrown bowls, will have nearly 80 pieces on display.

Weir and Long’s gallery reception will take place from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday at Carbon Six Studio, located at 114 Kellogg Ave. in Ames.

While only Weir’s work will be available for purchase at the gallery exhibit, Long’s work will be for sale at the College of Design Art Club that takes place Thursday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Friday from noon to 4 p.m.

A portion of the funds from the sale will go to fund College of Design Art Club’s activities; however, the majority will go back to the artists. In addition to student work, pieces by Ingrid Lilligren, director of Integrated Studio Art, will be available for purchase as well.