Letter: Schools begin improving childhood obesity

Childhood obesity has tripled in the last 30 years and schools are an ideal place to start the fight against it. I am writing to applaud Iowa and the nation on taking positive steps toward improving nutrition and the level of physical activity in our public schools.

President Obama just signed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act at the end of last year, raising nutrition standards and increasing funding for school lunches. Even though the improvements that have been made are great, I believe we can do better.

I have several recommendations that can help schools prevent obesity and promote healthier lifestyles in regards to the availability of certain foods and beverages. It sends a mixed message to kids to allow junk food in their schools at events, parties, and after school, but teach them healthy eating during the day.

In addition, schools need to choose health over profits and say no to fundraisers that involve the selling of high-fat, high-calorie foods. We can also do better by eliminating sugary flavored milk during lunch.

Letting kids and parents get involved in creating school nutritional policies will help them be implemented at home as well. As parents, it is our job to be aware of what our kids are doing at school and to speak up for more physical activity and quality foods.

I ask for your help in raising the bar in our public schools and supporting further nutritional and physical education policies that will prevent children from experiencing childhood obesity.