Police Blotter 7.29.10

Nicole Best, 18, 2304 Burnett Ave., was arrested and charged with operating while intoxicated. (reported at 1:52 a.m.)

Ladon Williams, 25, 3803 Tripp St., was arrested and charged with public intoxication and and providing false information to law enforcement. (reported at 1:54 a.m.)

Mark Spurgeon, 23, 4720 Mortensen Road unit 313, was arrested and charged with public intoxication. (reported at 1:33 a.m.)

Johanas VanLeeuwen reported the theft of a bike. (reported at 11:51 a.m.)

Cory Lewellin, 28, 5615 West linclon Way unit 5, was arrested and charged with theft. (reported at 2:30 p.m)

Marcus Nagl, 23, 906 Delaware Ave. unit A was arrested and charged with operating while intoxicated. (reported att 3:05 a.m)