Hillman: Daily to step up web presence during summer semester

Josh Hillman

The times, they are a-changin’.

It used to be that newspapers got their news, wrote it up and put it in the paper the next morning. That was soon enough for everybody. If something major happened, maybe they’d put out an afternoon edition. Either way, the major media had control over the flow of information.

So much for that. Over the past decade, the ubiquity of the Internet and electronics in our lives has completely altered the way we receive our news and where we receive our news from. The mass media don’t have a stranglehold on the news anymore, and they’re scrambling.

The Iowa State Daily isn’t much different. We’re changing too, and it’s all in an effort to better serve you, the reader.

As campus slows down for the lazy days of summer, the Daily traditionally does too. Instead of putting out a print edition Monday through Friday, the Daily only prints twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Days we put out our traditional print product aren’t changing. But days we’re publishing are. On those non-print days, we’ll update our Web site, www.iowastatedaily.net, throughout the day. On printing days, we’ll continue to follow and update stories that develop as time passes. By the time the next print issue rolls around, we expect to have all the basic reporting online – our pages won’t be filled with just the news, but also context, analysis and in-depth reporting on the issues that have affect the ISU population.

Of course, this isn’t entirely new. The Daily has had a steady Web presence since 1995, and it was just last summer that the Web site saw updates on a near-daily basis, even through the summer months.

But as the industry changes, we feel it necessary to reaffirm our commitment to the demands of a 24-hour news cycle. To serve readers, two editions a week simply isn’t enough anymore. To make light of an old slogan, the Daily is “more than just a crossword.” It’s more than just a newspaper, too – it’s a news organization, and it’s a news organization whose employees strive to be the best purveyors of news about Iowa State, Ames and issues that affect students.

As incoming editor in chief, it’s a privilege for me to have the opportunity to lead the Daily in this exciting new time for journalism. No news organization has a tried-and-true model for putting out both print and online products. We’re in uncharted territory, and our possibilities are all but endless.

As you gear up for a new semester, I hope you find a place for the Daily in your routine. The print product will be there as always – crossword and Sudoku included – every Tuesday and Thursday this summer. But if you want to catch the latest news you can use, visit iowastatedaily.net. It’s where we’re focusing our greatest efforts this summer – and ultimately, we hope it’s to readers’ benefit.