EDITORIAL: Live Earth concerts just grandstanding

Live Earth, the Concerts for a Climate in Crisis, took place July 7, with celebrities singing across the world to promote a healthier environment.

According to its Web site, “Live Earth is a 24-hour, seven-continent concert series taking place on 7/7/07 that will bring together more than 100 music artists and 2 billion people to trigger a global movement to solve the climate crisis.”

The goal of the concert series was to give citizens, government officials, corporations and whomever else the determination and drive to make a difference and take action in the fight against the growing climate crisis. Live Earth did this by staging daylong concerts all over the world.

They pulled celebrities from their luxury SUVs and million-dollar mansions to locations around the world to sing in promotion of a clean climate. Artists such as Kanye West and Kelly Clarkson, who were just a few of the celebrities, took time out of their busy high-profile lives to take center stage at the Live Earth series to promote change in our climate crisis.

They did this by belting out their famous, chart-topping songs that are based on the mass consumption of a pop-culture-frenzied society. Lyrics from their songs reflect their lifestyles.

If Kanye West’s buying habits are a reflection of his actual lifestyle, than looking out for the environment seems to be the least of his worries.

To add to everything, energy from their microphones was sucked out of generators that clearly weren’t cost-efficient or globally conservative. However, on its Web site, Live Earth made sure to note that it showcased “the latest state-of-the-art energy efficiency, on-site power generation,” – as if that made it all OK.

But Live Earth did exactly what it intended to do. It created “awareness” about our current climate crisis and are boasting about it all over their Web site. Live Earth had publicity galore, but the statement it made was not about climate crisis – it was about celebrity endorsement. Crisis change has now taken the low standard of celebrity placement over actual change.

So next time our diplomatic celebrities try to make a good reputation for themselves by headlining a concert series promoting a better world, perhaps they should think about their own lifestyles, and actually take steps toward a better environment, rather than just singing about it.