Warm weather brings spring fever


Since the snow has melted away, bicycles are roaming the streets and sidewalks of Iowa State’s campus.

Julia Meehan

As temperatures start to rise, Iowa State students can crawl out of hibernation and jump back into outdoor activities. Here is a list of activities to do on campus to embrace the spring weather.

Run for the hills

Skip the treadmill at State or Lied gym and run on the trails on campus. Iowa State has sidewalks available for students to run on, including routes near Lake Laverne and the Memorial Union.

Meg Schmitz, a freshman in animal science, enjoys long runs outside with her friends and especially with Iowa State’s running club. Schmitz’s normal workout includes a mile warm up, a three mile run and then a mile cool down.

“I used to competitively run in high school,” Schmitz said. “It is a great way to stay in shape. I will typically run throughout the campus and the city of Ames.”

Take a stroll

Finally, you can avoid taking the CyRide and walk or ride a bike to your next class. Walking or riding your bike to class may be faster than waiting in line for the next 23 Orange bus. When it is hard to wake up for an 8 a.m., walking in fresh air and moving your legs will wake you immediately.

There are other ways to commute around campus that have become popular among college students and perfect for when spring weather hits. Riding a longboard or a skateboard to class are common trends to see on campus during nice days, as well as free line skates.

Hammocking and hanging out

Find two trees on the front lawn of Iowa State and hang your hammock. Hammocking in the afternoon or on a Sunday morning is an opportunity to relax, study, draw, read or do anything that interests you. So grab some friends and find a spot to hang out.

“It is an extremely comfortable way to relax and eat your lunch,” said Derek Wurth, a freshman in psychology. “It is so much better than laying on the ground and having the grass itch you. It is almost like bringing a bed outside.”

Spring cleaning

Even though your mother is not here to demand you take part in spring cleaning, you can impress her from miles away by doing it yourself. It is the perfect time to make moving out easier and do a lot of the cleaning work when you have the chance.

Start with cleaning out all of the assignments and worksheets you have collected over the months from your desk. Then you can donate clothing you no longer wear from your closet to a secondhand store and get rid of all the dust bunnies that have been building up since move in day by dusting and vacuuming your room. Other spring cleaning ideas include throwing out expired or unnecessary food and drinks in your fridge and freezer as well as wiping down your microwave to remove any spillage from ramen noodles.

Outdoor intramurals

Join an outdoor intramural activity through Recreation Services. There are over 45 intramurals offered and plenty are played outside. Particularly, tennis doubles and two-person best shot golf is available until the school year is over.

Other than intramurals, you can gather some friends and throw around a frisbee or football on central campus. 

“Sometimes I will throw around a frisbee with some friends on the front lawn then rest for a bit on my hammock and then head back out for some easy, fresh exercise.” said Joshua Caplinger, a freshman in software engineering.

Stop for a break

While taking a break from your hectic schedule, snag a bench or a picnic table around campus to eat your lunch outdoors while you take in some rays and rest. Other than eating a snack, you can finish homework from class or read a book for fun.