Auction to be held to save Sketch

Billie Moorehead

In an effort to save Iowa State’s writing and arts journal, Sketch, a Writer’s Bloc auction will be held Sunday.

The auction, which will be held at 7 p.m. in the Maintenance Shop of the Memorial Union, will includes services such as snow removal and tarot card readings, and objects including art frames, books, clothes, a plant and porcelain bowls, said David Zimmerman, assistant professor of English.

Zimmerman said the auction would be similar to a yard sale.

Sketch is a publication of ISU students’ work, both undergraduate and graduate, that includes poetry, essays, plays and artwork, Zimmerman said.

Sketch is entirely funded through the Government of the Student Body, but because of overspending issues, this auction and other fundraisers were held to raise money to print the spring 2003 issue.

“The last issue of Sketch is ready to go,” said James Wicka, graduate student in English.

However, the publication can’t go to print until a remaining debt of $1,400 is paid, Wicka said.

Zimmerman said he expects the auction to last anywhere from one to two hours, depending on how many people show up and how the bidding goes. Zimmerman will serve as master of ceremonies for the event.