Greeks raise money for muscular dystrophy

Lindsay Barsness

The ISU greek community traveled back in time with strikes, spares and gutterballs Sunday afternoon to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

Ten greek chapters joined forces in the first bowl-a-thon fund-raiser at Twentieth Century Bowling, 505 S. Duff Ave., said Piper Anderson, director of special projects for the Panhellenic Council.

“We opened this event up to all of the fraternities and sororities and were hoping to have an all-greek philanthropy,” said Anderson, senior in journalism and mass communication.

The theme was the 1970s, and the 10 teams of five bowlers each went out in costume to participate in the event, she said.

Michelle Hayes, program coordinator for the West Des Moines branch of the Muscular Dystrophy Association, said she approached the ISU greek community about raising money for the organization.

According to a Muscular Dystrophy Association press release, the association’s district office in West Des Moines provides programs and services at no cost to patients and families in the area.

“All of the money that was raised will go to MDA services in Central Iowa,” Hayes said.

The greek community raised more than $1,700 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association through this event, she said.

“The greek community went around Ames to ask for money for MDA, and most people that we approached were really excited to help us out,” Anderson said.

The energy at the bowling alley was high, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, said Meagan Harms, philanthropy chairwoman for Alpha Gamma Delta, 2118 Sunset Drive.

“The participants involved are really excited to be here, and everyone seems to be rubbing off on each other,” said Harms, sophomore in journalism and mass communication.

Many greek chapters could not participate in this event because of other obligations, said Alpha Gamma Delta member Brooke Dueland.

“One reason some chapters could not participate were because Veishea serenades were going on today,” said Dueland, junior in marketing.

The Muscular Dystrophy Association members enjoyed working with the greek community, Hayes said.

“Everyone involved has been great” she said. “We are looking to do another fund-raiser with the greek community in the spring.”