Students decorate dorms for the holidays

Katie Boes

Students living in the dorms said they are looking forward to decking their halls for the holidays.”It will be a nice change and not as boring as the normal decor,” said Jennifer Hoyer, freshman in horticulture. “We always did a lot of it at home, and it will be nice to keep the tradition going.”Hoyer said she plans on putting up Christmas lights, pictures and other ornamental items.Abby Wakefield, freshman in mechanical engineering, said she also plans to continue a family tradition in her room. “My mom always get very excited about Christmas. She will put up eight trees in our house,” she said. Wakefield said she already has the tree and glass ornaments that have jewels to match the room.She said it will make the room feel more like home as she studies for her finals.Matt Banowetz, freshman in electrical engineering, said he will be decorating his room with a Christmas tree and lights. This, he said, will be a nice addition to his strobe and black lights that are already in his room. “We like to decorate in general, and after Thanksgiving when we put up the Christmas lights, our room will be really cool,” he said. Although there have not yet been many decorations celebrating the season, Linden Hall Director Amy Roozenboom said she expects more in the rooms after Thanksgiving break. There probably won’t be much decorating in the actual halls, though, she said. “We had a den-decorating contest for Halloween which was very fun, but with Dead Week and finals fast approaching, we want to make sure that students have time to study,” she said. Roozenboom said there was a tremendous amount of decorating for Halloween inside the rooms as well. There wasn’t much for Thanksgiving, she said, but she predicts a high turn-out for Christmas.”We do encourage students to decorate their rooms, but it’s important for students to remember to be safe,” she said. The Department of Residence not allow anything that could pose any sort of fire hazard in the dorms, such as lights on the doors or real Christmas trees. Director of Residence Randy Alexander said there are also regulations on the types of lights that students can use.”We don’t want to keep people from decorating; we just want to keep people safe,” he said.