Honoring the oddest political choices

Tim Kearns

I can’t wait until January. No, my anticipation isn’t because of the upcoming semester and all new classes, tests and papers. I’m thrilled because of the seating of two of America’s newest members of Congress who may very well be the most qualified in all of history.

Their names? Hillary Rodham Clinton and Dr. Tom Osborne.

By now, half of you readers are starting to think I might be crazy. The other half are already saying “he’s crazy.”

But, in fact, that isn’t the case. For the same reason you think I’m crazy, those two are already among the most prepared for Congress. In other words, they’re the most qualified because everyone feels they are unqualified. These two new members of Congress are united, battling a completely non-partisan issue: American ignorance and stupidity.

How could I possibly say that? Well, because Osborne and Clinton have already been bashed by every ignorant person observing the political arena at work. They’ve managed to do what every good Congressman does: make the people at home like them.

Of course, they might be qualified anyway. But people would hate to find that out.

For example, let’s look at Mrs. Clinton. Everyone knows she’s been married to the only two-term Democratic president since Franklin Roosevelt, but what else has she done? Why should we let her be in the United States Senate?

First off, I ought to remind you that technically, there are very few qualifications to be a United States Senator. One must be over 30 years of age and be a resident of the state they’re running to represent. Clinton’s done that — barely.

So, she’s fulfilled the actual requirements through a properly-timed address change. This must make her a carpetbagger, a person with political savvy poised to strike wherever the Senate candidates look weak.

Whether you believe that or not, oh well. She wouldn’t be the first, even in New York. History buffs will tell you that another famous relative of a president did it. In fact, Robert Kennedy won a Senate seat from New York doing roughly what Hillary did. The only difference is that America loved the Kennedy boys, so there wasn’t nearly the fuss. And, quite frankly, the Bush family has done the same thing. After all, Jeb was born and raised in Texas, just like George W. Even Nebraska has a carpetbagger of their own, Senator Chuck Hagel.

Secondly, as far as legislative experience is concerned, Lazio may have been the better-prepared candidate, but I wouldn’t be so sure. Since a large percentage of those bashing Hillary’s election are the right-wingers that listen to Rush Limbaugh, they should come out and be honest.

Six years ago, Limbaugh and other political buffoons came out alleging that Hillary was more the president than Bill Clinton was. So if you nodded then, you have to admit that she’s actually overqualified to be a Senator. If not, consider her educational background and professional experience.

Like most Senators, Mrs. Clinton has been a practicing attorney. In fact, before her husband was elected president, she was named one of the top 100 lawyers in the United States, according to American Lawyer magazine. Furthermore, she has chaired committees on education and health care at both state and federal levels. So, whether or not we like her, Hillary has more qualifications than many Senators.

We’re lucky New Yorkers could care less about Iowa. After all, we’ve got the only Senator in the nation that’s a farmer. If we think Hillary’s unqualified, I’m sure they’d love to start in on Chuck Grassley.

As for Osborne, I will grant that he doesn’t have any political qualifications, but people complaining about his election need to take a good look at the makeup of Congress.

Even if you do think that Dr. Osborne, who earned a PhD in education before he ever started coaching football, is merely a football coach that still leaves him more qualified than two of Oklahoma’s representatives, Steve Largent and Republican golden boy J.C. Watts. At least Osborne was a coach. The other two just played football before they made their way to Congress.

Furthermore, Osborne is already successful at what every Congressman must do: have constituents who love him.

No matter what you think about Clinton and Osborne, the important thing to remember is that most of us aren’t Nebraskans or New Yorkers. Every state has their right to choose. If we honestly feel their choice is a poor one, we should merely take pride that we weren’t the people to make it.

So, if you hate Hillary Clinton for some reason (most likely chauvinism or political ignorance) keep it to yourself. Cherish the fact that you can finally feel smarter than all those New Yorkers. John Rocker would be proud of you.