Letter to the editor: Oppose school tax hike

Dean Prestemon

The proposed increase in the sales tax in Story County to support our schools should be opposed, because there are better options for financing education in Ames.

The sales tax is not an appropriate way to fund our public schools. It is regressive; the negative economic impact is greatest on those least able to afford the expense. A sales tax increase is unfair to customers who do not reside in Story County; for example, Boone shoppers will surely resent paying the extra sales tax on merchandise bought in Ames since they will receive no personal benefit.

The annual revenue generated by adding one cent to the sales tax is unpredictable; the financial support may well be inconsistent from year to year.

The Ames School Board has not explained to the public precisely how the additional revenue will be used. The latest estimate indicates that something over $30 million will be generated for Ames schools over the next 10 years by the proposed one cent increase in sales tax. Certainly not enough to fund the proposed building and remodeling program.

If the revenue will not be used for capital projects, how will it be used? The most appropriate way to fund new school construction is through bond issues in which specific projects and associated costs are clearly identified and in which strong voter support must be exhibited.

Vote NO on October 10; there is a better way!

Dean R. Prestemon

