City council to discuss Greek Week
Kennedy DeRaedt/Iowa State Daily
(left to right) Mayor John Haila and Chris Nelson, representative of the 4th Ward, listen to staff presentations at the Ames City Council meeting. Ames City Council held a meeting Jan. 15 in City Hall to discuss the 2019-2024 Capital Improvements Plan. Staff members gave a presentation on their recommendations for the next five years.
February 25, 2019
City council will meet Tuesday and discuss requests from the Greek Week Committee regarding fraternity and sorority activities during Greek Week in April.
The council will also discuss motions to accommodate Ames Pridefest in September and requests from the India Cultural Association to host a Zero Hunger 5K. The 5K is meant to raise awareness of world hunger and malnutrition. Funds raised will go to Food at First.
The Greek Week requests concern two days, the Friday and Saturday of the event, and call for the council approval regarding the obstruction of various city streets over the course of those two days.
On Friday, April 5, the Greek Community plans to host a Polar Bear Plunge fundraiser on Sunset Drive north of the Greek Triangle. The program will donate proceeds to the Special Olympics of Iowa. Parts of Sunset Drive and Pearson Avenue would need to be closed from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. and parking regulations would be suspended during that time.
On Saturday, April 6, local fraternities and sororities plan to host the Greek Olympics. The Greek Week Committee has asked the council to approve the partial closure of Sunset Drive, Ash Avenue, Pearson Avenue, Lynn Avenue, Gray Avenue and Greeley Street from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The council will also revisit the topic of short-term rental policies. In November 2018 the council approved two motions regarding short-term rental properties, which are often advertised on sites like Airbnb.
The first approved motion allows owners of one-to-two family occupancies to be a short-term rental if they obtain an annual permit and pay the hotel/motel tax. The second approved motion allows multi-family residences to become short-term rentals but by different means.
The council now needs to adopt a policy plan for short-term rentals near the Mary Greeley Medical Center. The council plans on hearing staff reports and providing further direction for staff action.