Letter to the editor: Bezane doesn’t like Chicks

Brianne Skahill

It is obvious Conor Bezane is not a Dixie Chicks fan. I don’t agree the “cheesy stage gimmicks” distracted from the music or that they performed any “cheesy stage gimmicks” at all. The effects were visually pleasing and enhanced the emotional content of the songs.

My favorite was the red background during “Sin Wagon,” which illustrated the sensation of being wild and caused me to scream and sing my head off.

Mr. Bezane forgot to mention the parts of the concert without “cheesy stage gimmicks” like one very mellow part where the Dixie Chicks relaxed on a red couch just making music.

The slide show of childhood pictures had nothing to do with the music, but lighten up Mr. Bezane, they aren’t superwomen.

Give Natalie a chance to catch her breath. This was a wonderful way to connect with the audience. Showing pictures of yourself before you have a personal makeup artist on staff is pretty brave.

These pictures showed the audience the human side of the Dixie Chicks and made me like them even more.

I spent a hundred dollars on two tickets for this concert and would do it again in a second because I had so much fun.

Next time, Mr. Bezane, set your personal tastes aside when reviewing a concert.

Obviously you don’t know the music very well or else you would’ve understood how the effects helped the audience connect with the emotions of the music.

Brianne Skahill

