Letter to the editor: An end to the debate

Mike Mcgregor

In response to Brian Stillman’s Thursday column about Chris Sullivan’s letter, I want to clarify just what this greek vs. non-greek business is all about.

I found Mr. Stillman’s opinion to be honest and defensive, but it was truly biased and indirectly related to the letter from Mr. Sullivan.

Mr. Stillman, you seem to have written this article within minutes and lost sight of the reason you wrote in the first place. Your objection to Mr. Sullivan’s letter is without a doubt the statement that “We don’t think that we are better than you, we know we are.”

Your response should have pertained directly to the statement about pride, but instead you touched on the subject in one paragraph, protected your neck in three others, and in the end made lofty generalizations and assumptions about the greek system.

You said, “Before you throw this column down as another greek bashing column, give me just a second to explain myself. This is not meant to come off sounding like a slam to the entire greek community.”

Well, the few seconds you were allotted were more than enough because you in turn bashed the greek system without even knowing it.

The only thing you responded to in Mr. Sullivan’s letter was the issue of pride. You technically had one focused paragraph that can be considered relevant.

In that relevant paragraph you stated that you and your friends have pride as well. I apologize for Mr. Sullivan’s ignorance as to your claim to pride, but I believe you are really missing the point of the letter.

I can understand this because it was a poorly written letter whipped together quickly without any thought of repercussions.

The point of the letter was not to say “We are better than you,” but to suggest that greeks demonstrate their pride more openly and frequently than others who may not be near as active.

In your scrambled ramble of thoughts, you brought up the stereotype that greeks think that they can drink more than people who live in resident halls and then proceeded to state that this is not completely true.

Here, you are holding an argument with yourself about the idea that someone in the greek system had said that they can drink more than you but nobody did.

You held the same type of argument with yourself about how greeks get laid more often because they live in a “frat house.”

Nobody, including Chris Sullivan, made the statement that greeks get laid more than people who live in resident halls. Besides, I don’t live in a “frat house.” I live in a fraternity. There is a difference and that is something that my “brothers” and I pride ourselves in.

You should learn the difference, and maybe take another look at the greek system. Who knows, maybe you’ll even like it.

So next time you are about to bash the greek system, put some real thought into it and show some pride that you know and I know you pertain.

But in the end, I would like to apologize for the comment made by Mr. Sullivan that “We don’t think we are better than you, we know we are.”

You were correct in your assumption that he offended others in the very greek system for which he is involved.

I believe that you made the correct judgment about this statement and commend you for objecting.

However, I don’t think your article really focused on your objection that greeks are better than non-greeks.

Mike McGregor


Journalism and mass communication