Ames can pay for its own schools

Editorial Board

ISU students and Ames residents will vote today on a 1 percent sales tax aimed at raising funds to build a new high school.

Ames residents have already rejected the proposal once, but the city is once again pressing the issue.

Story County needs to learn what every 6-year-old is taught – “no” means “no.”

Proponents of the tax have tried to convince students that if the sales tax isn’t passed, the money will come from property taxes, which will raise rents for ISU students.

The reality is that either way, students will pay for the school. The question is to what extent will students pay. With the sales tax, the bulk of the money will come from restaurants, which are mainly used by students and their parents.

If property taxes increase, store costs will still go up because store owners are paying higher rents. If the sales tax passes, rents will still go up because landlords have a higher overall cost, which will be transferred to tenants.

ISU students pay the bill with either system, but if the money comes from property taxes, Ames residents will at least pay an equal amount.

There are ways around higher rents. Students can get more roommates or move someplace where rents are lower.

The city has told students that better schools will bring better professors to ISU.

But, the fact remains that Ames already has one of the best school systems in Iowa. Even among college towns, Ames’ schools are some of the best.

Students, whether you are for or against the sales tax, vote and make your voice heard. Polling sites are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. and are located near campus.

A full listing of polling sites is available at

www.storycounty. com/auditor/pollingplacelist101000.html.

Editorial Board: Carrie Tett, Greg Jerrett, Katie Goldsmith, Amie Van Overmeer, Andrea Hauser and Jocelyn Marcus