Letter to the editor: Vote `no’ on tax
October 5, 2000
On Oct. 4, Dave Frasier wrote that ISU students should be exempt from paying the local option sales tax.
While it’s unlikely that Ames will pass such a law to protect you, your best protection is to vote “No” to an increase in the tax this Tuesday, Oct. 10.
Last February, this same sales tax proposal lost by only 39 votes! Your vote really can make a difference.
Don’t know where to vote? Call 239-5105 and city staff will direct you.
If you registered to vote last year, but have moved, you can report a change of address at the polls on election day.
Go to the polling place for the precinct where you live now and bring an ID. Polls are open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m.
Save yourself some spare change. Vote “No.”
Sue Ryan Weiss