Letter to the editor: China persecutes Falun Gong

Yiqin Laura Chen

I am a Falun Gong practitioner in Ames. I was glad to see a report on Falun Gong in the Oct. 2 Daily. Thank you for bringing awareness to the ongoing, brutal violation of human rights happening in China.

Falun Gong is a spiritual practice rooted in ancient Chinese culture. It is peaceful and apolitical and consists of meditation, gentle exercises and the guiding principles of truthfulness, benevolence and forbearance.

The Chinese government outlawed Falun Gong last year and has launched a massive, concerted effort to end the practice. The results have been vicious.

According to the world media and human rights groups, over 50,000 Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested or detained. At least 10,000 have been sent to labor camps without trial, and some 600 have been forced into mental facilities where they have been abused with drugs and electric shocks.

At least 56 Falun Gong practitioners have died from maltreatment in police custody. Millions of Falun Gong books, videotapes and audiotapes have been confiscated and burned. China’s regime has conducted show trials for over 500 Falun Gong practitioners handing out prison sentences up to 18 years.

The only crime these people have committed is exercising freedom of religion, assembly and speech; rights constitutionally enshrined in China and guaranteed by two international treaties. Rather than upholding the rule of law, Chinese officials have made a mockery of due process by creating “anti-cult laws” and applying them retroactively. Falun Gong is one of many groups persecuted under this pretense. More information is at faluninfo.net

Yiqin Laura Chen

