Letter to the editor: Liberal thinking

Lola Stedaman

The column “Don’t waste Democracy” is one of the biggest example of a liberal way of thinking.

I don’t think that you should say the economy is better because of President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore. This is because if you look at history you would know that after we come out of war the economy takes a huge boost. This boost could last for years but eventually it will level off!

If you are a true Democrat you would believe that everyone deserve a second chance. You let murderers out of prison because they have been “rehabilitated.”

But somehow just because Governor Bush is the son of former President George Bush you automatically assume he is a bad apple. Talk about being a hypocrite.

Now let’s talk about the Clinton and Lewinsky scandal. It’s not that he had the affair that bugs me, it’s that he lied on television to the public.

He has many young kids looking at him and should be a better role model. Yes, you could say that Gov. Bush did some crazy things when he was in college, but don’t we all?

I don’t think that we should say that one candidate is better than the other, or point a finger saying that one’s morals are better.

People should look at the facts, see which candidate’s opinions are closet to theirs and VOTE!

Lola Stedman


Animal science and pre-veterinary