Letter to the editor: Daily thinks violence is OK to condone

Trent Seigfried

When I opened my newspaper today to page four, I was shocked that a paper that proudly proclaims that it has been “serving Iowa State University since 1890” would, in one swoop, openly condone a casual attitude when dealing with issues of violence and, at the same time, belittle the views of an individual on the campus of this university. Gender is not the issue here. Miss Junck correctly found a flaw in Thomas Hill’s now assuredly infamous “I might just have to kill her” statement. However, she took the emphasis from “kill” and placed it on “her.” Violence is inappropriate no matter whether it targets men or women. Miss Junck does raise an important point, however; it is an embarrassment that a representative of Student Affairs on this campus would make such a comment. However, The Daily’s response to this letter completely astonished me. Rather than recognizing that Miss Junck raises a valid point about the comments of Mr. Hill, they instead proceed to skewer her cause by actually supporting his comments. One statement from this editorial in particular shocks me: “Dr. Hill is one of the good guys and shouldn’t be made an example of how casual comments contribute to women getting beaten.” Dr. Hill contributed to the problem by making a casual comment that condones violence towards others; referring to him as “one of the good guys” merely reinforces his statement. It is amazing to me that the Iowa State Daily thinks that it is appropriate for an official of this university to condone violence towards others in any way, shape or form. Trent Seigfried


Biology and computer science