Letters to the editor: Libertarian coverage

Noah Banwarth

I read the Daily on a regular basis and rarely, if ever, see any coverage of the Libertarian Party, in particular our presidential candidate Harry Browne. This should not be. Mr. Browne is polling ahead of Pat Buchanan in almost every national poll and is polling ahead of Mr. Nader in several states. This lack of press coverage is by no means isolated to the Daily. It’s a complete blackout of our candidate. The coverage has to start somewhere, and the Daily is a great place for it to happen. Our issues are more aligned with college students than the other candidates will ever be. We believe in ending the “drug war,” ending the income tax and, in general, getting the government out of our life. These are issues that I’m sure many students can associate with and would like to see a major presidential candidate focus on. I hope the lack of coverage this election year will stop, and (hopefully) the Daily will begin to recognize the Libertarian’s ideas. Brian Anderson




ISU Libertarians