Letter to the editor: Greeks get bad rap

Davis Seim

The recent incidents concerning the vandalizing fraternity members has once again brought attention to the failings of the greek system. Unfortunately, opponents of the greek system too often focus on specific incidents such as this one. While the greek system surely contributes (perhaps even disproportionately) the amount of sexual assault, alcohol and drug abuse, and other social problems that exist on campuses across the country, these activities occur among all cross sections of college students. The real evil of the greek system, one that is rarely discussed, is that the greek system is an anachronistic, racist and classist institution that exists primarily so that well-to-do white kids can maintain their class position attending our universities. The greek system provides both a social environment during school, as well as a network of contacts after school, for the predominantly white and wealthy students that participate in them. That’s not to say that the greek system at Iowa State is particularly heinous – it is simply indicative of the greek system nationwide. Too often serious discussions about the impact of the greek system of college life are diverted by focusing on specific and minor incidents while ignoring the more important and subversive context in which the incidents occur. Jared Rodecker


Davis, Calif.